
I am the editor of two anthologies, Killers and Future Bristol.

Dark Spires

Dark Spires presents eleven speculative fiction stories edited by Colin Harvey, and published by Wizard’s Tower Press in November 2010.

Dark Spires is a speculative fiction anthology about Hardy Country — Wessex.

Hardy’s Wessex is the West of England, from Brunel’s industrial Bristol and Austen’s Regency Bath in the North, to the cliffs of Lyme Regis on the South coast, from the border with Cornwall in the West to the Isle of Wight in the East.

Dark Spires will take the settings that inspired Hardy but update them and add the fantastic elements of speculative fiction — fossils and monorails, sea wolves and anti-gravity.



Future Bristol

Future Bristol by Colin Harvey (ed.)This Is Future Bristol….

Where a young engineer must try to avert a nightmare future; activists and hackers take nanotech and recycling slightly too far; the city fights back against a tidal wave of crime;  a new drug and riots spark an unexpected renewal; present meets future as urban explorers encounter unexpected hazards; pirates and ruthless businessmen battle for supremacy above the sunken streets; and  Humanity’s heirs cling onto survival in a world of toxic waste.

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Killers by Colin Harvey (ed.)Killers is a book of thrillers and crime stories with a speculative element — some are SF, some fantasy, some are horror, and some are almost unclassifiable.

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