April Stats
Gosh, is it that time already? Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?
I was surprised when I added up the April stats — this has been the month with the longest hours yet, barring the adjusted November figures (Click on the link for an explanation). But despite working an average 60-hour week throughout the month, I’ve been nowhere near as stressed as November, which proves to my satisfaction that it was the complexity caused by a third job that posed the problems then.
The switch over to the summer schedule means that uni work has taken a back seat during the second half of the month, once assignments were completed and -depending whether I include reading- only twenty to forty per cent of my time was spent on coursework. Feature Journalism accounted for almost forty per cent of that, and thirty per cent was spent on Writer’s Workshop; those were the subjects with assignments due in the first half of the month, although I also wrote an essay for a student competition as part of my FJ hours.
But over twenty per cent of my April hours went on just three projects — a story sub to Asimovs, a synopsis for a planned wip, and most importantly of all, as I mentioned yesterday, editing for Transtories.
I have three more pieces of work to do in May for uni, and perhaps a couple of tutorials to attend to get my marks fed back to me, and then I’ll be fully on the summer schedule. I’ll be a little sad in a way, because that’ll be the end of another academic year.
Note to self; don’t think too much about that — live in the moment, instead.