New Review at Suite101 – F&SF March/April

As the title will indicate, I’ve posted a new review at Suite101. I should have posted it last week; I’m not sure what happened there. But anyway, here it is, belatedly.

• March 13th, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Black Static 15, Reviewed

Today’s scheduled –as opposed to the unscheduled venture into theatre criticism yesterday- is the latest issue of Black Static.  It’s here.

• February 28th, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Commentary on the Nebulas

I promised some stats and stuff over at Blog101, so here‘s the post. We’ll see how much (or little, more like) I know.

• February 23rd, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

2009 Nebula Award Finalists

This morning’s blog is a straight list of the 2009 Nebula Award finalists. However, I couldn’t resist posting links to the stories I trumpeted when they first came out, which makes me look profoundly perspicacious. Of course, that ignores the finalists I initially rubbished, as well as all the other stories I backed which never made the final… 🙂

• February 22nd, 2010 • Posted in Awards, Books, Events, Other Colin Harvey Sites, Reviews, Writing • Comments: 0

Asimovs February 2010 Reviewed

I’m still running a little behind on posting reviews, but at least I’ve arrested the slippage, so that I’m no later with this than last week’s review.  So without further ado, here is Asimovs February 2010.

• February 14th, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

This Week’s Review At Suite101

Is Chris Barzak’s wonderful, complex, multi-layered The Love We Share Without Knowing. Here’s the link. Enjoy.

• February 7th, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

This Week's Review – Interzone 226


• January 22nd, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Black Static 14

reviewed at suite101

• January 9th, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

More Nice Reviews

at suite101, including some points that surprised me.

• January 3rd, 2010 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Dealing with Reviews

at Suite101

• December 17th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0