New Blog Post

at Suite101 — hopefully temporary.

• October 26th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0


Every so often a day seems to be taken over by one thread. This happened yesterday. But it was a nice take-over.

• October 21st, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

More Winter Song Reviews

at Suite101

• October 17th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Moxyland Reviewed

At Suite101

• October 16th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Albedo One, Issue 36 Reviewed

Here at Suite101.

• October 9th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Honourable Mentions

For four Killers stories here

• October 5th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 4

This Week's Review – Slights

Kaaron Warren’s debut novel is reviewed here. It’s a good one.

• October 2nd, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

The Forever War Reviewed

One for recent converts to SF

• September 28th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

New Posts at Suite101

Aldiss’ The Interpreter reviewed. Plus counting down to Bristolcon…

• September 23rd, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0

Today's Blog at Suite101

On the danger of making assumptions.

• September 11th, 2009 • Posted in General • Comments: 0